Privacy Policy

We updated our Privacy Policy

There are new changes in global privacy law that required us to review our standards

  • Privacy – Our commitment to privacy has not changed. We never share nor sell your data with/to anyone.
  • Transparency & Choice – You control what, how, and when you share your personal data with The Daily Front Row.
    We believe you should be able to control the use of your personal data – and know that you can ask us to stop.

European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), comes in effect on May 25, 2018. For more information, we encourage you to read GDRP guidelines

This is effective for new and existing users of The Daily Front Row’s websites, applications, and offline activities.

Newsletters and mailing lists

While we do send newsletters with company and product updates (relevant to you), you may opt-in or opt-out at will.

We do not buy nor sell newsletter lists/mailing lists.

  • For users based in the EEA, additional terms and conditions will apply, as set forth under the GDRP guidelines

Thank you for being part of The Daily Front Row’s community!