In our series “The Daily Wonders,” we grilled some of fashion’s finest to find out what their best summer ever was…
“Oh, my goodness, I can’t possibly remember. But maybe this one coming. It hasn’t happened yet, right?”—Anna Wintour
“Right now. I met a fabulous, sexy, wonderful, beautiful guy in a coffee shop in Malibu. We met about a month ago. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Isn’t it great? I’m going on 74!”—Betsey Johnson
“I went to a Christian horseback riding camp for girls. It was so weird, but I loved it. My son will not go there, but…”—Selma Blair
“Last year, I celebrated my 25th birthday in Barbados at this big carnival called Crop Over.”—Jourdan Dunn
“The summer of 2005, when I met my wife, Dee, in St. Tropez.”—Tommy Hilfiger
“I think about it from a food standpoint. I really think this will be my best summer in a long time. And I’m excited for warm weather and drinking lots of rose.”—Bobby Flay
“I was a high school exchange student with the American Field Service in a town on the border of Uruguay and Brazil. I lived with a family for three months. It was my first time away from home in a country with a different language. I really grew up a lot.”—Steven Kolb
“When my brother punched me in a Roman ruin because I got in the light of his selfie and gave me a black eye, so I ran back to the boat. Then he came back with a barrel full of candy from a pirate-themed candy store. It was delicious—and pretty fabulous.”—Harry Brant Jr.
“When I was a kid I’d stay out late riding my bike, smelling the fresh-cut grass, and not wanting the sun to go down.”—Jessica Chastain
Click HERE for the full issue of the Daily Summer.