As you’ve likely heard by now, last night kicked off award season with Hollywood’s favorite party, The Golden Globes. Along with every other fashion insider, our eyes were shifting between our TV and computer screen as we live tweeted and pondered Jodie Foster‘s sortakindacomingout. If you think Miss Kelly O is a tough critic, you haven’t met our Twitter followers! Take it away…
StyleHaul (@StyleHaulYT): Angelina’s leg was so 2013, meet Eva Longoria’s!
Kari A. Friedlander (@kariinthecity): I would rewind and go back ten minutes but I’m not sure I’d understand that any more clearly. #JodieFoster
Jane Larkworthy (@WmagJane): Kate Hudson is wearing something from Siegfried and Roy couture.#goldenglobes
PopSugar (@popsugar): What’s Anne Hathaway working on? “My tan. It Isn’t going well.”#GoldenGlobes press room
The Cut (@TheCut): Gretchen Weiners: “Stop trying to make the mani-cam happen.”#eredcarpet #goldenglobes
Gilt Man (@GiltMan): We dreamed a dream of Anne Hathaway being a little less awkward.
Glamour (@glamourmag): Until further notice, Adele’s nameless baby will now be called “Hollywood Foreign Press Association”
Anne-Marie Guarnieri (@AMG_OntheGo): PLEASE let Dana wander around on stage right now, all “Dad? Dad?” #Homeland
Dana Weiss (@Possessionista): It makes me feel inferior as a parent to know my son will never be Mr. Golden Globe
Amy Odell (@amyodell): Eva Longoria looks like a Kardashian. Or is it just that everyone in Hollywood looks like that now.
MonikaEAnderson (@MonikaEAnderson): Claire Danes thanks fetus for fighting terrorism.
Andrew Mukamal (@AJMukamal): JLo isnt actually wearing a dress – Its just some strategically glued on lace
Beca Alexander (@fashionindie): Tina Fey’s hair colors looks super shiny. Must be the Garnier 🙂
Beth Shapouri (@BethShapouri): What is that voice coming out of Brody? He sounds like he’s about to read me a pleasant bedtime story about tea and crumpets.
Phillip Picardi (@pfpicardi): Adding Damian Lewis to my list of fantasies.
Tom + Lorenzo® (@tomandlorenzo): Love that Taylor Swift didn’t wear a First Holy Communion dress for once.
Eric Wilson (@EricWilsonNYT): Apart from the fresh asphalt effect, Salma Hayek looks great in that Gucci.
The Coveteur (@thecoveteur): Bradley Cooper hair update: It hasn’t moved. #tcrealtalk
HuffPostWomen (@HuffPostWomen): “I was going to bring my walker tonight, but it just didn’t go with cleavage” — Jodie Foster