The latest season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians premiered on E! this past Sunday. To celebrate, the New York Times spoke to several members of the Kardashian Klan — as well as some producers — to reflect on the show’s impact, how their empire has evolved, and how much influence Kanye West really has on them. The profile also digs in to some of the biggest headlines surrounding the family today. Below are the best quotes from the piece.
1. Kendall on Fyre Fest
“You get reached out to by people to, whether it be to promote or help or whatever, and you never know how these things are going to turn out, sometimes it’s a risk… I definitely do as much research as I can, but sometimes there isn’t much research you can do because it’s a starting brand and you kind of have to have faith in it and hope it will work out the way people say it will… you never really know what’s going to happen.”
2. Kylie on the rumor that she discounted the “Jordy” lip kit in the wake of the news that Jordyn Woods had an affair with Khloé’s boyfriend, Tristan Thompson
“That is just not my character. I would never do something like that and when I saw it, I was like, thrown back… Jordyn knows I didn’t actually put it on sale.”
3. Kris Jenner on Kanye
“He said, ‘I really think that little entry table would look better over there. So what did I do? I moved the entry table.”
4. Khloé on her body
“I never knew I was considered chubby until I became famous.”
5. Kylie on being a “self-made” billionaire
“I can’t say I’ve done it by myself… If they’re just talking finances, technically, yes, I don’t have any inherited money. But I have had a lot of help and a huge platform.”
6. Kim on a future in politics
“I don’t think so… It would be probably the most stressful job in the world, and I don’t think that’s for me.”
7. Ryan Seacrest on what convinced him to produce the show
“[Kris Jenner] said, ‘We will be vulnerable at all points of impact no matter what presents itself and that struck me.’”
8. Kris on how much work it is to manage the Kardashian empire
“I could’ve created anything, but if they don’t show up, or you’ve got a couple weak links, it could’ve been a disaster… It’s definitely a grind and isn’t for the weary.”
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9. Adam Stotsky, president of E!, on Kanye’s involvement with the show.
“He’s a real creative force, clearly, and had thoughts on marketing, thoughts on presentation of the show, on the opening title sequence.”
10. Kim on refusing to apologize for all the partnership and sponsorship deals she accepts.
“If there is work that is really easy that doesn’t take away from our kids, that’s like a huge priority, if someone was faced with the same job opportunities, I think they would maybe consider… You’re going to get backlash for almost everything so as long as you like it or believe in it or it’s worth it financially, whatever your decision may be, as long as you’re O.K. with that.”
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