In today’s installment of “Cabin Fever Diaries,” we catch up with The Society Management mod, Jasmine Sanders aka Golden Barbie, who tells us who she’s missing the most right now and how she’s getting through self-isolation.
Where are you right now and who you are you with?
I’m with my best friend Philip, our dog Caine, and our new foster dog!
Have you learned anything new about yourself or the person you are with since social distancing?
Well, my best friend is cracking but I’m adjusting pretty well!
What has been the biggest change to your routine?
My sleeping and eating patterns are completely thrown off! I’m definitely snacking more, but who isn’t?!
What do you miss most about life before the quarantine?
I miss working and seeing my friends because I really enjoy what I do. I miss the people I work with because I really love them and haven’t been able to travel and see them for a while.
What are you doing to decompress?
I’ve been taking long bubble baths and really leaning into my self-care time with face masks and hair masks. I’m also meditating and stretching. Even on days that I’m not working out.
How are you staying active?
I was in the process of building my home gym when this happened so now that the gym is on hold, I moved my workout equipment to my guest room so I can continue doing my at-home workouts.
How’s your sleep?
My sleeping patterns have definitely changed! Before this, I would normally go to bed pretty late, but still wake up around 7am. But since social distancing, I’ve had nights where I’m up until 7am!
What are you doing to help others?
I’m constantly checking on my elderly neighbors to make sure they are safe and not in need. I’m also doing my part by truly staying isolated and encouraging everyone that I know to practice the same!
If you could be in self-isolation with anyone, who would it be?
I would be with my family so I could feel like a kid again. I miss my mom and her amazing cooking. I miss helping around the house. I don’t have family in LA so sometimes it’s difficult.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve found yourself doing since isolating?
The weirdest thing is that I haven’t gone crazy yet! I’ve actually been the calmest I have been in awhile. I’ve been keeping myself busy with tasks around the house and actually checking off a lot off my to-do list.
What are you most anxious about?
I’m anxious about summer because it’s my favorite time of year.
What do you want to do when this is all over?
I want to go to Jamaica because I had to postpone my trip there this month.
What have you been watching on TV?
I’m watching Tiger King and On My Block on Netflix.
How has the experience changed your outlook?
It’s kind of changed my views on some of the people around me. It bothers me how some of my friends aren’t taking this as seriously as they should.
What has been the most surprising thing about this whole experience for you?
Now I’m one of the girls dancing on TikTok! It’s so fun!
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