Hiro Clark, our favorite LA-based T-shirt line from former New Yorker Andy Salzer, has teamed up with Equinox for three limited-edition shirts to be sold at select locations and at HiroClark.com. The shirts are fitness-themed (obvi!), in categories like “Pumping Iron,” “Streaking,” and “Muscle Beach” with “Run Like You Stole Something,” “Muscle Beach,” and “Arnold Is Numero Uno” embossed on the front. (The latter is homage to the shirt that Arnold Schwarzenegger famously wore in Pumping Iron.) The tees are coming your way on Thursday, January 14 for $128.00 at Equinox’s Cali locations in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood and New York’s West Village. Who could possibly be the target audience?
First Look: Equinox and Hiro Clark Collab
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love, love, love.