Correspondence We Actually Received: Possible Story – Miley Cyrus – Smart or Stupid PR Move

by The Daily Front Row

Uh oh! We had a hunch we’d be getting an e-mail from an expert’s flak about that little Miley Cyrus situation last night and look what just hit our inbox! 

“Miley Cyrus’ performance at the MTV Video Music Awards has been the talk of the Twitterverse since late last night. Many people were left shocked, but most everyone could say that she is no longer Hannah Montana. Will this hurt her PR image?  Is this a calculated move?

Able to discuss this and more is David E. Johnson, CEO of Strategic Vision, LLC, a leading public relations and branding agency.  Johnson says that her performance was one of shock value. It has people talking and could be a calculated move to reach a new demographic.  The verdict on the stunt is still out. Johnson has appeared on CNN, FOX News Channel, CNBC, and CBS for his expertise.  Would you be interested in interviewing him on this? 

Thanks for any consideration.”

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