Cindy Cederlund on Fashion, Designers and Modeling

by Tom White

Cindy Cederlund is exotically gorgeous, astute, and creative. She was born in Brussels, Belgium to a Rwandan Mother and a Swedish Father. Lucky enough to have two sisters, she feels that her artistic mother is the tree from which her creativity stems. Her father who owns goldmines above the Arctic Circle in Finland and Norway has given her a head for business.

How were you first discovered for Modeling?
At age 17, I was asked to model for Abercrombie and Fitch in their heyday, which many people thought to be a big deal at the time, so it’s set me up for being busy ever since.

In addition to making starring appearances at Cannes and in editorials, you’re considered one of the most in-demand body parts models working today. Can you tell us the way this unique path started?


During COVID lockdowns I was at a farmer’s market, and someone approached me to ask if I was a hand model. I was wearing a mask, so the focus was on my hands. The rest as they say, is history.

You have worked with some incredible brands like Chanel so this might be difficult to answer: can you tell us about your favorite Modeling Job?


Chanel was certainly a highlight. My mother used to be a model and appreciates the art of fashion like I do, so I love it when I do a job for couture houses such as Chanel or get to celebrate designs on the red carpet. Her and I can discuss everything since she knows those brands well and appreciates how designs and the modeling of those creations are a craft. Being featured on a billboard in Times Square was something of which I was quite proud.

Who are your favorite designers?

I love European Designers, especially the Belgians from Antwerp. I do think the future will belong to the next Michael Kors and Tom Ford. People who transcend mediums and don’t exclusively work as designers – they support important social causes and other forms of art like film, something of course which I am also passionate about.

You were the only Belgian model to feature on the exclusive Pirelli calendar 2022 shot by Bryan Adams – to what do you attribute you achieving such a milestone?


I’m multicultural and multiethnic with ties to Europe and Africa and Pirelli saw that as a wonderful plus. I also like to think that my genuine excitement for the art of fashion sets me apart. It is important for consumers to see human beings from all over the world in campaigns and advertisements so we can all make conscious decisions about what we wear and which products to consume.

Presented by APG

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