Marie Claire tapped Chrissy Teigen, mod, food and fitness guru, and the person who gets to go home to John Legend every day, to cover its July Wellness issue. The 31-year-old gets real with executive beauty and health editor Jennifer Goldstein, covering all the bases—from expanding her family to working out to dealing with anxiety to twerking. After all, Goldstein reminds us, “This is the Teigen that America loves: the unfiltered 31-year-old model, entertainer, cookbook author, and wife of Grammy-winning musician John Legend who ugly-cries on live television, eats fried chicken and Fun Dip on Snapchat, shows off her stretch marks on Instagram, and cops to armpit liposuction at press events.”
Check out some bits below, and scoop up the issue when it’s out on Tuesday, June 20.
On expanding her family…
“I would definitely adopt or have foster children. But I loved being pregnant. Maybe I should be scared [of having PPD again], but I don’t know. It couldn’t be any worse than it was – could it?”
On being too honest…
“I’m the person who had the fake ID in high school and college, and I would show it and be like, ‘I’m sorry; it’s fake,’ and run off. I don’t know if it’s way too honest or way too anxious – maybe it’s a combo of both.”
The one part of her body she didn’t think John ever saw…
“John and I had a double date, and we were joking around, and I go, ‘John’s never seen my butthole.’ And John says, ‘Are you kidding? Every time anyone does anything doggy style, you see a butthole. I see it every time.’ I was like, ‘We are never doing it doggy style again.’”
Her feelings on exercise…
“I know I should exercise for mental reasons…I need to see Simone De La Rue; I always feel great after I see her. In L.A., there’s never any fucking parking. So for someone who doesn’t already love working out, nothing’s selling you on it.”
The one thing Teigen won’t do…
“I can’t dance. I don’t take choreography very well. I will twerk.”