Un petit déjeuner chez Chanel! A Chanel set is almost as exciting as the clothes themselves, and this season Karl Lagerfeld was serving up breakfast in a very French brasserie complete with waiters. VIP editors were seated at white cloth tables and, per usual, the models got to partake in the fun, too. The collection was about the classic Chanel woman in every way, French to the core. Models wore their hair in french twists with satin black headbands à la Brigitte Bardot and were mostly in demure tweed Chanel skirt suits and classic kitten-heel beige slingbacks with black toes. Audrey Tatou wore a similar pair when she played Coco Chanel in Coco Before Chanel.
Some of the outstanding pieces were the geometric “puffer” jackets that were actually made from padded leather, the plaids, the peter pan collared dresses, and the bartender-inspired looks. The latter came as white apron-like skirts made from serviettes worn with black jackets. The collar of a jacket worn by Jamie Bochert even had little bar napkins fanning around the collar, topped off with a bow. If last season was all about the power woman, this season was all about the lady who lunches. Leave it to the Kaiser to swing the pendulum in the opposite direction. As always, we’ll have whatever Karl is serving.