Beyoncé Creates Scholarship for Fashion School Students

by Kristen Heinzinger

Queen Bey is celebrating the one-year anniversary of Lemonade with a different kind of feat. The soon-to-be mommy of three must have the future generation on her mind, announcing the creation of Formation Scholars, a program that will award four scholarships to “encourage and support young women who are unafraid to think outside the box and are bold, creative, conscious and confident,” according to the website. Each scholarship will cover tuition to one of four colleges: Parsons School of Design, Berklee College of Music, Howard University, and Spelman College. Candidates must be pursuing degrees in creative arts, music, literature, or African-American studies.


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1 comment

Popin May 12, 2017 - 1:27 AM

Lovely beby lovely boys & lovely


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