In our latest installment of “Cabin Fever Diaries,” we check in with IMG model Alton Mason, who shares how he’s spending his time during self-isolation and what he’s learning from the experience.
Where are you right now and who you are you with?
I’m in the forest with my family.
Have you learned anything new about yourself or the person you are with since social distancing?
I’ve learned that stillness, gratitude, and peace are three of the greatest components to self-love, spirituality, and evolution.
What has been the biggest change to your routine?
My workout routine has been more consistent while at home; although, a big change has been made to my sleep pattern. My body doesn’t know what time it’s on.
How are you staying active?
I’ve been hitting 150 push ups, sit ups, 50 pull ups, and meditating.
What are you doing to decompress?
Meditation, prayer, and learning how to cook! I’ve also been writing music.
What are you doing to help others?
During this time, I strongly believe it’s important to stay positive and live on a higher frequency/vibration. I’ve been keeping my energy light and peaceful and also keeping my faith stronger than ever; hoping that others might be inspired to align during this difficult time. It’s also important to me to spread awareness on what’s happening in the world.
If you could be in self-isolation with anyone, who would it be?
It would be me, a guitar, a piano, a mic, and Prince.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve found yourself doing since isolating?
Eating Cinnamon Toast crunch!
What are you most anxious about?
The real life social interaction between humans after this is all said and done.
What have you been watching on TV?
All of my favorite anime shows and documentaries on my favorite artists.
What do you want to do when this is all over?
Fly to Africa and live my best life in Nigeria, Ghana, and Senegal.
How has the experience changed your outlook?
This experience has made me even more grateful to be with my family. I love them to pieces. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else in the world right but with my family. They realign me and keep me inspired and motivate to be my best self. Nothing and no one can match the energy and joy they give me. Being with them has changed my outlook on unconditional love and unity.
What has been the most surprising thing about this whole experience for you?
When I think about the affect that COVID-19 has had on this world; not only am I shocked but also heartbroken. I can only imagine how families that have fallen victim to the virus, the doctors and nurses that are working to heal and prevent; and the rest of the world is feeling during this time. It has made me strengthen my faith and gratitude. The virus is exempt to no one, no matter your age, ethnicity, or class. What surprised me the most is how the world came together as one to spread love, awareness, guidance and compassion. Once the world started to take precaution, settle down and stay home, earth started to heal itself; pollution started clear up, and water became bluer. It was living proof that we are stronger when we are unified and we even heal the world by doing so, as one.
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