Back by populi demand, we have convinced our favorite (semi-unhinged, entirely anonymous) publicist to gift us with her unforgettable column, …
"flack files"
Like every die-hard Hamptonite, our fearless Flack is always looking for new diets, regimes, and devices that promise to give …
How to make sense of the various breeds marking their territory on the East End? Our fearless Flack breaks it …
Our fearless flack is a seasoned observer of East End dating. As the summer scene heats up, she lays down …
For the record, our Flack is putting on her bridesmaid dress for the last time. This one’s for you, blushing …
For the record, our Flack is putting on her bridesmaid dress for the last time. This one’s for you, blushing …
Our favorite Flack has had another brutal week in the PR trenches. The only thing keeping her on the right …
Dear Fellow Publicist, This morning, I was all set to write a diatribe on Coachella and the attendees wearing crotchless …
Even our favorite flack has to listen to the tax man. This week, she deals with the trauma head-first…into a …
This week, our fearless flack takes on who are arguably the most swagged-out editors: the beauty gurus. Dear Beauty Editor, …